Get Transactions Report
Request Body
Key | Type | Required | Rule | Description |
skip | number | Mandatory | minimum 0 | the number of the records that is skipping from the full list |
limit | number | Mandatory | minimum 0 maximum 500 | the number of records each page will show |
start | string | Mandatory | DDDD-MM-YY | starting time |
end | string | Mandatory | DDDD-MM-YY | ending time, must not exceed 3 months from starting time |
user_id | string | Optional | length 8 | the unique ID of client |
transaction_id | string | Optional | transaction's third party reference id | |
type | string | Optional | array |
Expected HTTP status code
- 200
Name | Type | Description |
count | number | total number of the list |
records | array | list of transaction records in array |
records[].id | string | record unique id in CRM |
records[].user_id | string | transaction's user id in CRM |
records[].type | string | transaction's type |
records[].currency | object | transaction's currency |
records[].amount | number | transaction's amount |
records[].payment_method | string | transaction's payment method |
records[].payment_currency | string | transaction's payment currency |
records[].payment_total | number | transaction's payment total |
records[].timestamp | YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss | transaction's timestamp |
records[].comment | string | transaction's comment |
records[].trading_platform | string | transaction's trade platform |
records[].trading_connection_id | string | transaction's trade connection id |
records[].trading_id | string | transaction's trader login |
records[].ref_id | string | transaction's third party reference id |
records[].previous_balance | string | transaction's previous balance |
records[].new_balance | string | transaction's new balance |
records[].wallet_id | string | transaction's wallet id |
records[].status | string | transaction's status |
records[].withdrawal_method | string | transaction's withdrawal method |
records[].withdrawal_currency | string | transaction's withdrawal currency |
records[].withdrawal_total | string | transaction's withdrawal total |
type |
deposit |
transfer out |
bonus in |
bonus out |
credit in |
withdrawal |
transfer in |
credit out |
payout |
bonus |
competition_prize |
competition_fee |
prop_trading_fee_back |
prop_trading_fee |
prop_trading_rebate |
prop_trading_profit_sharing |
prop_trading_reset_balance |