Send Registration Request for OTP
Request Body
Name | Type | Required | Rule | Description |
string | Mandatory | email | the email of user | |
type | string | Mandatory | trader | the type of user |
phone | object | Optional | the phone of user | |
phone.country_code | string | Optional | user's phone country code | |
phone.number | string | Optional | user's phone number | |
otp_type | string | Mandatory | email /phone | the type of one-time password, default is email |
password | string | Mandatory | the password of user | |
repeat_password | string | Mandatory | repeat password of user | |
form_id | string | Mandatory | length 8 | the id of registration form |
referrer_id | string | Optional | length 8 | the referrel code of the referrer |
custom_fields | fields | Optional | additional fields configured in registration form |
One-Time Password Types
Code |
email |
phone (if you installed twilio) |
Expected HTTP status code
- 204