Get Flexible Commission Report
Query Parameters
Key | Type | Required | Rule | Description |
skip | number | Mandatory | minimum 0 | the number of the records that is skipping from the full list |
limit | number | Mandatory | minimum 0 maximum 500 | the number of records each page will show |
Expected HTTP status code
- 200
Name | Type | Description |
count | number | total number of the list |
records | array | list of commission records in array |
records[].id | string | record unique id in CRM |
records[].order_id | string | order id that the commission calculated from |
records[].trading_account_id | string | order's trading account |
records[].trader_id | object | order's trader user id in CRM |
records[].receiver_id | string | order's commission receiver user id in CRM |
records[].currency | string | order's currency |
records[].symbol | string | order's symbol |
records[].volume | string | order's volume |
records[].swaps | string | order's swaps |
records[].profit | string | order's profit |
records[].open_time | string | order's open time |
records[].close_time | string | order's close time |
records[].rebate_time | string | commission rebate time |
records[].commission | string | commission fee |
records[].total | string | total commission payout |
records[].status | string | commission execution status |
records[].rebate_account_id | string | order's commission target trading account |